Time machines.

Well, Today when I sat down to write my blog, I didn’t know what to write! I am looking for inspiration! So when you are done reading this blog, Go to the bottom of the page and comment about what you think I should write about.

But that’s not it!!! on days where I can’t find any inspiration, I go to the daily post. They always have a writing contest, So today I am going to participate in that contest! here is what the contest is: 


In this case… I would…

I would buy a time machine!!! And then I would go home, Get one of my dad’s masks on, and go back for the invisibility helmet!!! then, I would make myself invisible and go back in the store and steal the anywhere door! Once they would find out about it, I would place my anywhere door and go through, Use the time machine, And then send them the money through the mail! once they got there the money would get there by mail and I would have all three! what fun I would have then!

First I would use the anywhere door and teleport anywhere (of course) Then I would use the invisibility helmet to spy on people, and learn funny things about people that I’m not supposed to know. then I would use the time machine to watch history I.r.l.! First I would watch myself say my first word. Then I would watch my dad say his first word, and so on…
Until I would be watching Adam himself say his first word!!

Anyway, You get my drift. 
Fascinated -Chance